About Us

Who we are ?

Didirikan pada tahun 2018, Richi Communication merupakan design agency yang dimotori tenaga-tenaga kreatif berpengalaman yang berkolaborasi dengan semangat-semangat muda. Kami mengarahkan daya kreasi yang kami miliki untuk menghasilkan karya-karya yang melebihi ekspektasi klien melalui desain yang segar, artistik dan sangat estetik.

Established in 2018, Richi Communication is a design agency driven by experienced creatives who collaborate with young spirits. We direct our creative power to produce works that exceed client expectations through fresh, artistic and highly aesthetic designs.

Our Services

As a creative agency, we provide services that encompass many aspects in corporate/marketing communication.


Bank Jambi

Bank Jambi is also our loyal client on a different island. But even that does not reduce the quality of service we provide. This collaboration also proves our commitment to maintaining client trust.

Jasaraharja Putera

Jasaraharja Putera has been our client since our inception until today. By doing our best to understand its unique business character, unlike other insurance companies, we have delivered satisfactory results, and this cooperation continues to this day.

Bank Kalteng

Distance has never made our cooperation with loyal clients problematic. Our collaboration with Bank Kalteng, which has been going on since our establishment, proves this. We have always strived to provide a design that can display the uniqueness of Kalimantan so that the Annual Report produced is not only in accordance with applicable regulations but also reflects the distinctive culture of the pride of Bank Kalteng.

Our Clients

We are committed to supporting our clients with superior services of exceptional value and by doing so helping them succeeded in realizing the purpose of their communication in the most effective and efficient manner. We highly value creativity, but customer trust is just as important. For that reason, many of our clients have been with us since our establishment, and we have grown together with them over the years. We are honored by the trust.

Let’s Talk with our Professional Team !
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